Friday, December 4, 2009


It's a sign of the times when the city of Miami can't afford a proper number 9 for their public calendar.

S.F.S.G.S Alert. No Sea glass found but there was plenty of interesting organic matter.
Rollin' in style.

Bridgette Donahue: Man eater.
Olaf Breuning: Class act.
Brendan Fowler: Mentalist.

Peter is seen here engaging with the cultural dialogue.

Peter Coffin where art thou?!

How much would you pay for a preserved iguana?
I've never seen a more harmonious arrangement.
The humidity in Miami can be tough on your hair...
...and your face too.
A good international pop star can adjust to each city's fashion sense. Here Lizzi displays her Miami style. Is that a Malcolm McClaren Duck Rock t-shirt? It sure is.

Very sad indeed.


Cali said...

the classic seaweed hat.

K said...

This blog is hilarious! Thanks for the laughs. Listening to Saturday Looks good to me and reading your blog is a perfect wintertime combination!

m.m. said...

superb collection, my friends.